Secure payment

Welcome to's Secure Checkout Your trust and security are our top priorities. As you finalize your purchase of prompts, please follow the steps below to ensure a safe and secure transaction.

How to Pay with Stripe

Review Your Cart: Ensure that all the prompts you wish to purchase are listed in your cart.

Enter Your Details: Provide your billing and contact information.

Choose Your Payment Method: Select your preferred payment option. We accept all major credit/debit cards.

Secure Payment Our partner Stripe is in charge of the payements.

Enter Card Details: Input your card details on the Stripe interface. Your information is encrypted and securely processed without being stored on our servers.

Complete Your Purchase: Review all details one final time before clicking ‘Payement’ to complete the transaction.

Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation email with the details of your purchase, a receipt, and the acces to the prompt(s) purchased.

Security at

Stripe Certified: We use Stripe, a globally recognized payment processor, ensuring top-notch security and fraud detection systems.

Encryption: All data transmitted is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology.

Privacy Protected: Your privacy is paramount. We do not store sensitive financial information on our servers.

Continuous Monitoring: Our systems are continuously monitored to prevent unauthorized access and ensure data integrity.

Need Assistance?

If you encounter any issues or have questions during the payment process, please contact our customer support team. We are here to help!

Safe Shopping Tips

Always ensure your internet connection is secure when making online transactions.

Never share your card details with anyone.

Regularly update your passwords and use complex combinations.

Thank You for Choosing

We appreciate your trust in us for your prompts purchase. If you have any feedback on how we can make our payment process even more secure, please let us know.